Kayla Jean Jacques Is Dominicas Top Performer in CAPE 2013

Lead Institute student Kayla Jean Jacques is Dominica’s top performer in the CXC May/June 2013 Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE).

Jean Jacque, currently enrolled as a Humanities major in the CXC CAPE Associate Degree Progrmme at Lead Institute, secured one grade 1, three grade 2s and a grade 3 in the five CAPE subjects taken in the exams. She was awarded Grade 1 in Accounts Unit 1, Grade 2s in Caribbean studies, Communication Studies and Sociology Unit 1, and a Grade 3 in Economics Unit 1.

In addition to distinguishing herself as the island’s top performer at CAPE, Jean Jacques also became the very first Dominican student to write five (5) CAPE exams at one seating and excel in all. Although somewhat “disappointed that I got a Grade 3 in the subject I thought I did the best in”, an elated Jean Jacques said she “was still very satisfied” with her results, a performance which she noted “goes to show that I can do anything that I put my mind to and working hard always has its rewards”.

David Vital, Director of Lead Institute described Jean Jacques as “a very focused and disciplined student who, from the onset, decided that she was going to excel at these exams”. In recognition of her scholastic achievements, Lead Institute presented Jean Jacques with a partial scholarship that will go towards tuition payments during her second year of studies at the Institute.

“We celebrate excellence and hard work at Lead Institute and so I’m very pleased, on behalf of the school, to present you with this scholarship for $500.00 in recognition of your outstanding achievements” Vital said during a brief presentation ceremony. “It’s our hope” he added, “that your success will inspire others, both prospective and continuing students, to aspire to excel in their academic pursuits”.

Meanwhile, a number of other Lead Institute students posted noteworthy performances including last years’ top performer Netritia Henry. Henry, who has successfully completed all her course work to be awarded her CAPE Associate Degree in Business, secured a Grade 1 in Economics Unit 2, Grade 2s in Caribbean Studies and Communication Studies and a Grade 3 in Information Technology.

Rowann Remie, another Humanities major also excelled in all three of her CAPE subjects taken. Some thirty students from Lead Institute wrote the CAPE exams achieving an overall pass rate of 70%.

Important Dates

Application for admissions must be filed with Lead Institute by the following deadlines:

  • Priority Deadline: Jul 31st
  • Regular Deadline: Aug 31st
  • Late Registration: Sep 30th
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