Introducing Associate Degree in Computer science in September

Dominicans wishing to pursue an Associate Degree in Computer Science will have the opportunity to do this September at Lead Institute. The fully accredited CXC/CAPE Associate Degree in Computer Science will be introduced to Dominican students for the very first time in September when the 2012/2013 academic year begins.

Lead Institute will offer the two-year programme to both its full-time and part-time students. “Not only will the Associate Degree in Computer Science benefit and provide a solid foundation for further studies for the traditional IT or Computer Science student wishing to specialize in the field, but it is also an excellent solution for the non-traditional adult learner seeking to upgrade his o her qualification,” says David Vital, Director of Lead Institute.

The CXC/CAPE Associate Degree in Computer Science carries a total of 70 credits and is accepted as normal matriculation to full degree programmes at regional universities, and colleges in Canada, the US and the UK. It is also highly recommended and widely accepted throughout the OECS, CARICOM and the wider Caribbean for employment purposes. To be awarded the Associate Degree in Computer Science, students must perform at Grades 1- V in at least seven CAPE Units. Course Units include Computer Science Units 1 & 2, Pure Mathematics Unit 1, Information Technology Unit 1 or 2, Management of Business Units 1 or 2, Communication Studies and Caribbean Studies.

Alternatively, students may choose to register and write exams only for the individual CAPE Units available under the programme. The addition of the Associate Degree in Computer Science brings to four the total number of CXC CAPE Associate Degrees offered at Lead Institute. The others are Business Studies, Humanities and General Studies. The goal, says school officials, is to offer the full suite of CXC/CAPE Associate Degrees to Dominican students.

“We should never overlook or undervalue the importance of the CXC/CAPE Associate Degree” says Vital. “It is fully accredited, respected around the world by the top universities and educational institutions and is the preferred qualification for post-secondary studies in community and state colleges throughout the Caribbean.” The Lead Institute Director further stated that Dominican students, without the CXC/CAPE qualification, are placed at a significant disadvantage in today’s Caribbean marketplace relative to their regional counterparts.

“We strive to reduce if not eliminate that disparity by offering our students Associate Degree programmes that are fully accredited and articulated, highly portable, affordable and flexible” he said. Students wishing to be given priority consideration for the Associate Degree in Computer Science or any other of the Lead institute programmes may do so by submitting their application online at The deadline for receipt of applications is July 31, 2012. All other applications thereafter will be processed normally.

Important Dates

Application for admissions must be filed with Lead Institute by the following deadlines:

  • Priority Deadline: Jul 31st
  • Regular Deadline: Aug 31st
  • Late Registration: Sep 30th
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