Dominican Born Sapphire Vital Excels in CXC CAPE

Dominican born student Sapphire Vital obtained four grade ones with three distinctions in this year’s Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE). She obtained grade ones in Mathematic Unit II, Chemistry Unit II, Physics Unit II and Caribbean Studies, with distinctions in Mathematics, Chemistry and Caribbean Studies.

Ms, Vital had performed equally well in last years’ Unit I examinations in Mathematics Chemistry, Physics and Communication Studies. Her performance in the combined units of the CAPE in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry is equivalent to obtaining GCE – “A” level grade As in those subjects.

Sapphire is the daughter of Mr. Kent Vital who currently works with the Caribbean Development Bank which is based in Barbados. In 2008, Mr. Vital headed the then newly established Invest Dominica Authority (IDA) for a short period.

Sapphire recently graduated from Queens College (a secondary school with a sixth form) in Barbados which she attended over the past 7 years. Sapphire also attended the Convent High School in Dominica for two terms in 2008 during the time that her father worked with IDA. Sapphire desires to pursue undergraduate studies in Civil Engineering and Architecture.

Important Dates

Application for admissions must be filed with Lead Institute by the following deadlines:

  • Priority Deadline: Jul 31st
  • Regular Deadline: Aug 31st
  • Late Registration: Sep 30th
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